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Dante – His life beyond the grave / The measure of greatness

April 29, 2021 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


Philip LaForgia Art Guide AGSA

“ Ma se le mie parole esser diem seme”

“but if my words shall be seeds that bear fruit”

Dante Alighieri


An invitation to all dantisti out there to join me, an art guide and a Dante student, on a visual pilgrimage of dantesque dimensions, a cammino that will take you across centuries, artistic movements and artists from il Rinascimento to contemporary art. See and hear how Dante’s visible words have inspired these creative spirits to interpret, cite and refer passages of his capolavoro La Divina Commedia into their practice. His voice has had a staying power, touching and influencing even today’s artists, guiding their hands in producing their own capolavori. Literature and art are the perfect partners and equals in their ability to communicate our humanity. Come and meet these artists and their creative spirit that have contributed capolavori to honour our Sommo Poeta.

bookings essential @ trybooking.com/BQDCM

*this is a covid-safe event * refreshments will be served
*Free event, but a small donation on the night will be appreciated



April 29, 2021
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


The Italian Centre
262 Carrington Street
Adelaide, South Australia 5000 Australia
+ Google Map


The Dante Alighieri Society of SA
Dante Alighieri Societies of Australia